Professional Makeup Mirror Manufacturer & Supplier
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  • What kind of makeup mirror do you need?


    What kind of makeup mirror do you need?The make-up mirror makes your make-up look more natural and even when you use it, without the make-up failures caused by too much shine or not enough light. This is why it is a must for girls who have a high demand for make-up, but if you are not very demanding Read More
  • Where can a makeup mirror with lights be installed?


    Where can a makeup mirror with lights be installed?Makeup mirrors with lights passed the EN62471:2008 non-hazardous level test, no light radiation hazard, and will not harm the eyes. However, it is not recommended to keep staring at the mirror for a long time, occasionally look at other items, or ch Read More
  • What is the value of using the makeup mirror?


    What is the value of using the makeup mirror?Choosing the right magnification for your mirror will provide you with better makeup quality while minimizing the time you need to fix common mistakes. Combine this magnification with other essential features, such as the ability to adjust the angle of th Read More
  • Why choose a double sided magnifying mirror?


    Why choose a double sided magnifying mirror?make mirror with lights has bright natural lighting LED illumination, 5x magnification with high-quality glass, durable rechargeable batteries, wireless, adjustable height and angle, sophisticated design ...... and a long list of features.Why choose a doub Read More
  • What is the role of a makeup mirror with lights?


    What is the role of a makeup mirror with lights?A double sided magnifying mirror is a convex lens used to magnify objects, a prototype of the microscope. Usually used to see objects in detail. Magnifiers are converging lenses with a focal length much smaller Read More
  • What kind of lighting should we choose for the makeup mirror with lights?


    What kind of lighting should we choose for the makeup mirror with lights?Good light can help a woman achieve a sophisticated look, and poor lighting is a big no-no for makeup. What looks good in a dimly lit room can look disastrous in the sun. With the makeup mirror with lights, the light is soft an Read More
  • What is the magnification strength of a double sided magnifying mirror?


    What is the magnification strength of a double sided magnifying mirror?The double sided magnifying mirrors are good when magnified 3 times. The former is a tool to make a tiny object more visible, while the latter is a mirror used in everyday life for dressing up and combing hair. A five-fold magnif Read More
  • What is the importance of the makeup mirror with lights?


    What is the importance of the makeup mirror with lights?Makeup mirror with lights installation is relatively simple and most people will be able to install it by simply reading the instructions. Different brands of vanity mirror table lamps are installed in different ways. If you buy them from the I Read More
  • What is the imaging principle of a double sided magnifying mirror?


    What is the imaging principle of a double sided magnifying mirror?The double sided magnifying mirror has a different scale of the magnifying surface. This makes it easier for the make-up artist to see the subtleties of the part being illuminated. A mirror is an object with a smooth surface and the a Read More
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